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You must agree with the Registration Agreement, when you make .info domain name registation.


In the Sunrise Period, you must agree to be bound by the Sunrise Dispute Resolution Policy


With your domain registration, you further agree to be bound by the ICANN Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy


.info Roll Out
On live for now (Begins on Oct 1, 2001)
process in Real time on first come first served basis
Click here to register today!

Sunrise Period Through Aug 27, 2001 For Trademark Owner
Quiet Period Aug 28, 2001 - Sep 11, 2001  
Start-Up Period (Landrush) Sep 12, 2001 - Oct 8, 2001 For any businesses or individuals
.info addresses resolve Begins Sep 19, 2001  
Registry Live Begins Oct 19, 2001 For any businesses or individuals

.INFO domain names are expected to become live and accessible through all Internet Web browsers on or about September 19, 2001. In order to employ the most comprehensive and fair registration system, Afilias will roll out .info domains in three stages:

The Sunrise Period,
Through Aug 27, 2001, is a period of time whereby owners of trademarks and service marks (registered as of October 2, 2000) may register their marks in the .info domain. Afilias provides this registration period as a service to the Intellectual Property community as an attempt to prevent the problem of cybersquatting and domain name speculation. The Sunrise period will be available to IP owners for 34 days, and will be followed by a quiet period of up to 15 days.

During the Sunrise period, Afilias will accept registrations in 5 rounds. A randomized, round-robin processing system will limit any one registrant or registrar's ability to gain in domain name submissions.

Disputes regarding conflicting marks may be raised according to Afilias' Sunrise Challenge policy. Any challenges to names registered during the Sunrise Period may be raised during the Sunrise Challenge process, which will commence on August 28 and continue for a duration of 120 days.

The Start-Up Period,
from Sep 12, 2001 through Oct 8, 2001 last for 27 days, will open registration to the general public. Domain registrations submitted during the Start-Up period will be processed with the same randomization process used during the Sunrise period.

Registry Live,
begins on Oct 19, 2001 to an indefinite period. During this time, domain registrations will be available to the general public and will be processed in real time on a first-come, first-served basis.

On June 27, 2001, U.S. Department of Commerce approved the .INFO TLD into the domain name system root zone, completing the final step in the approval process for .info. .INFO's entrance into the root zone will enable .INFO domain names and Web sites to become live and accessible through Internet browsers.


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